Our delivery system is now fully online. Visit our Ooooby* platform to take a closer look.

Click here

We have over 20 years’ experience of running an organic veg box scheme in South Shropshire and we have developed excellent long term relationships with all our local organic growers and with our importer/wholesaler, who is based locally in Bromyard.


All our produce is certified organic and we always offer the most local produce available. We pride ourselves on great value and customer service.

There are a number of options that you might like to choose from.

  1. Standard veg box and/or fruit box”. The range is:

Vegetable box: Seasonal range of organic veg with potatoes, carrots and onions each week:

  • Small: £12 (6-8 varieties)
  • Medium £14 (7-9 varieties)
  • Large £18 (8-10 varieties).

This equates to roughly a couple, small family, larger family, depending on how much you eat.

Fruit box: Seasonal organic fruit from UK and Europe, includes apples and bananas each week.

  • Small £8 (4-6 varieties)
  • Large £11 (5-7 varieties)

Mixed Veg & Fruit: Seasonal organic veg and fruit with a slightly smaller quantities but a wider range to better suit single people and couples:

  • Small £12 (5-7 veg, 1-2 fruit)
  • Medium £14 (6-8 / 1-3)
  • Large £18 (7-9 / 2-4).

We only offer these on a regular order basis, for example weekly or biweekly. However, we are happy for you to let us know if there are lines of produce that we should exclude (up to a maximum of 3 substitutions, beyond which a “custom” box is better).

  1. Alternatively you might prefer to choose from our online catalogue to make your own bespoke ”Custom box”. We update prices and availability every Thursday. The order deadline is Sunday at midnight.

Groceries, meat*, bread, dairy etc can be added to either option.

Our delivery system is now fully online. Visit our Ooooby*2 platform to take a closer look.

We deliver on a weekly basis to homes and businesses in Ludlow Town

Click here

*Meat and some other lines are not available to order online, send us an email if you would like to add some to your order

*2 Ooooby (“Out Of Our Own Backyard”) was a concept originally developed in Australia to help local and organic growers to reach customers and to deliver to them. There are currently around 30 Ooooby hubs in the UK, so if you know someone from outside of our delivery area who is looking to a veg box please let them know.